Student Body: Envision

Envision is a non-profit student organization that aims at manifesting the entrepreneurial spirit of young students with a vision to promote innovation and good governance. Envision helps in the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem by enabling interaction between its major components like students, entrepreneurs, mentors, angel investors, venture capital firms and the corporate world. We also support them by providing necessary resources such as mentoring, consultancy and networking. We enhance the industry exposure of the students by inviting eminent personalities for guest talks and sharing ideas about the latest developments in their respective expertise. We aim to set up mutually beneficial strategic partnerships with organizations looking for a long term relationship with a growing educational institution like ours. By providing hands on live projects we ensure that students live up to the expectation of ever evolving corporate world.

To metamorphose into a premier and productive resource centre for creation and diffusion of entrepreneurial learning and contribute to the development of a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem that is inclusive of innovation, enterprise, sustainability and skill expansion.
Our mission is to find and facilitate potential and promising entrepreneurs and function as a catalyst for creation of sustainable business models in Bihar, and beyond. We aim to accomplish this by promoting entrepreneurship cognizance, capacity building, collaborations and community engagement.

Dr. Srividya Raghavan
ChairpersonDr. Medha Srivastava
MemberAbout IIC
Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India has established ‘MoE’s Innovation Cell (MIC)’ to systematically foster the culture of Innovation among all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The primary mandate of MIC is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them into prototypes while they are informative years. MIC has envisioned encouraging creation of ‘Institution’s Innovation Council (IICs) across selected HEIs. A network of IICs are established to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion ecosystem in the campuses. MIC has established Institution's Innovation Council in more than 2700 Instiutions till December 2021.
Major Focus
- To create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem.
- Start-up supporting mechanism in HEIs.
- Prepare institute for Atal Ranking of institutions on innovation achievements framework.
- Establish function ecosystem for scouting ideas and pre-incubation of ideas.
- Develop better cognitive ability among students.
Function of IIC
- To conduct various Innovation, IPR and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by MIC in time bound fashion.
- Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
- Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
- Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
- Create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out by institution’s faculty and students.
- Organize Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc. with the involvement of industries.
IIC Calendar 2021-22
MoE's Innovation Cell (MIC) prescribes an annual activity calendar for IICs. In each quarter Minimum prescribed activities out of scheduled activities are to be completed by an IIC to receive full score. Institutes are encouraged to do a greater number of activities from calendar beyond the prescribed minimum. It is expected that institutes which are in the emerging phase of the innovation ecosystem- will follow the calendar plan vividly.
Past Events
5 Mar
YES! 2023
The Envision Cell of IIM Bodhgaya organized its annual flagship event, the Youth Entrepreneurship Summit, in collaboration with Start-Up Bihar (Department of Industries, Govt of Bihar) and NABARD on the 4th and 5th of March. The event aimed to encourage entrepreneurship among the youth and provide a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to showcase their business […]
21 Aug
World Entrepreneurship Day 2022
Envision Cell, IIM Bodhgaya, organized the World Entrepreneurship Day event on August 21st, 2022. The event aimed to celebrate the spirit of entrepreneurship and foster a culture of innovation among students. The event began with an engaging talk session by two accomplished entrepreneurs, Geethu Sivakumar, Founder of Pace and Richardo Coffee, and Kishan Tiwari, Founder […]
6 Mar
YES! 2022
Envision, the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Industrial Relations, IIM Bodh Gaya organised the third edition of its flagship event – Youth Entrepreneurship Summit (YES) 2022- A sustainable way, on 5th and 6th March 2022. This venture sought to provide a platform for early-age startups and young entrepreneurs to enrich and prove their mettle even in […]
21 Aug
Entrepreneur’s Talk Series on World Entrepreneur’s Day 2021
IIM Bodh Gaya, in collaboration with Envision Cell- Entrepreneurship and Industry Relations Cell successfully organized the second edition of their “Entrepreneur’s Talk Series” on the 21st of August, 2021. On the occasion of “World Entrepreneur’s Day”, the institute hosted some prominent industry leaders. Dr. Vinita Sahay, Director, IIM Bodh Gaya, gave the chief guests, faculty, […]
7 Mar
YES! 2021
E-Cell IIM Bodhgaya: Envision had successfully organised its flagship event YES 2021 on 6th & 7th March 2021. In YES 2021, along with the Startup Hunt Competition, a Panel Discussion and talks from Keynote Speakers and Esteemed Guests took place. Envision concluded the Day 1 of YES 2021 on an elated note. We were truly […]
23 Jan
YES! 2019
IIM Bodh Gaya, in association with, Envision, the Entrepreneurship Cell of the institute organized its maiden Entrepreneurship Summit, YES 2020. The title sponsor of the event, NABARD, with Road Express as logistics partner, Mwash as care partner and other sponsors LWT, Instade, 100X and Dare2Compete played a major role in successfully organizing the event.
INSPIRE (https://iimbginspire.com)
IIMBG Incubation Centre (https://www.iimbginspire.com/) to Support Innovation, Research and Entrepreneurship has been set up at IIM Bodh Gaya campus. This is a registered section 8 company (Not for Profit). IIMBG INSPIRE is a forum to launch and develop startups into scalable, viable and profitable businesses. INSPIRE is a platform for participants and incubatees to access the diverse resources of faculty and the entrepreneurial community associated with IIM BG. INSPIRE strives to be the primary focal point for students, working professionals, startup enthusiasts, budding entrepreneurs and the larger entrepreneurial community interested in innovation and finding a home for launching immersive experiences that are scalable businesses.The ever growing inclination among the youth to become job creator and to do something of their own, start ups have become the path to do the same and give something back to the society. But these fledgling start up universe is chaotic and unorganized, so these fledgling start up needs clear vision along with superior value proposition and business model that is rational and pragmatic as per the current market scenario.
IIMBG Inspire aims to provide focused, faster and speed growth to new ventures for their successful commercialization of product/technology through a combination of Seed Capital, Corporate Venture Capital Fund, Smart Working Space, Corporate Market Access, Mentoring and Training programs. Our Programs are designed to help these fledgling start ups succeed and bring meaningful change in the society.
Our Vision
To metamorphose into a premier resource center for the creation and diffusion of entrepreneurial learning that contribute to the development of a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem.Our Mission
IIMBG INSPIRE aims to provide support to the entrepreneurs through their early stages of business development by building an ecosystem that is inclusive of innovation, enterprise sustainability and social value.Our Purpose
IIMBG Incubation Centre to Support Innovation, Research and Entrepreneurship support grassroots innovations in rural Bihar and contribute towards :- Imparting training and knowledge on ideating, developing, a business model, plan and go to market/commercialization and handholding through the journey.
- Value addition through packaging, branding and marketing
- Improving processing operations through use of appropriate technology, supply chain management
- Mentoring, funding access including seed-funding & bootstrap assistance and business support services
Our Objective
- To promote and establish agri and rural incubation centre in Bihar through parallel portfolio programs.
- The incubation centre would support and encourage both innovative technology-base Agri startups as well as modern traditional business that have an application and/or impact in the core sectors of the economy.
- The incubation centre would provide the start-ups with necessary guidance, tech support, infrastructure, access to investors, networking and facilitating a host of other resources that may be required for the startups to survive and scale.
Our Goals
- Fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Bihar and its vicinity.
- Inspiring youths to pursue entrepreneurship , encouraging Women entrepreneurship and Student startups.
- Building a network of institutions, corporates, investors, researchers and mentors that can be leveraged by budding entrepreneurs for accelerating growth and scaling their startup ideas.
- Identifying potential entrepreneurial opportunities and commercialising them.
Social media links
Website | http://iimbg.ac.in/know-ecell/ |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/envision-cell-iim-bodh-gaya/mycompany/ | |
https://www.instagram.com/envision_iimbg/ | |
https://www.facebook.com/envisioniimbg | |
https://twitter.com/ecell_iimbg |
Website | https://www.iimbginspire.com |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/inspire-iimbg/ | |
https://www.instagram.com/inspire_iimbg/ | |
https://www.facebook.com/inspire.iimbg | |
https://twitter.com/inspire_iimbg | |
NISP | https://nisp.mic.gov.in |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Links
Ministry of Education (MoE) | https://www.education.gov.in/en |
MOE’s Innovation Council (MIC) | https://www.mic.gov.in |
Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) | https://ariia.gov.in |
Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) | https://mic.gov.in/innovation-council/iic |
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) | https://www.nabard.org |
Department of Science and Technology (DST) | https://dst.gov.in |
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM | https://aim.gov.in/aic-overview.php |
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) | https://msme.gov.in |
Yukti | https://yukti.mic.gov.in |
Smart India Hackathon (SIH) | https://www.sih.gov.in |
Kalam Program for IP Literacy and Awareness (Kapila) | https://kapila.mic.gov.in |
School Innovation Ambassador (SIA) | https://sia.mic.gov.in |
Contact Us
Postal Address
Entrepreneurship Cell
Indian Institute of Management Bodh Gaya
Uruvela, Prabandh Vihar, Bodh Gaya
Gaya-824234, Bihar, India
0631-2200238, 0631-2200239,
0631-2200247, 0631-2200254