Our Vision, Mission, Core Values and Culture

To be a globally recognised management school for developing socially responsible and mindful business leaders.
Our mission is to develop mindful leaders of business and social relevance in the global economy and to enhance academic excellence in learning practices and research.

Core Values
Responsibility: We are geared up and ready to go. We respect our accords and conform to high quality work. We practise highest ethical standards and motivate others to do the same.
Honesty and Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards in our work and behaviour towards our job, environment and one another.
Life-long Learning: We welcome transformational change by helping each other develop.
Mindfulness : We intentionally and purposefully direct our attention to the present moment rather than letting it wander. We remain nonjudgmental toward sensations, thoughts, and emotions as good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant; they are simply noticed as “happening,” and observed until they eventually pass.

A Force for Good: We think about the world we inhabit. Our thinking is free and genuine. We identify business as force that can shape a sustainable and just planet. We thus, look to balance financial, societal and ecological concerns.
Diversity: We believe in diversity of thought and innovation. We have a team of diverse and dedicated faculty and students who are the drivers of cognition and research.
Collaboration: We collaborate to innovate and create. We develop and intellectual approach through team effort. We shape the future and overcome challenges by looking out for each other.