Directorate of Distance Education Building
Magadh University Campus, Bodh Gaya
Bihar- 824234
Tender No: NIT/IIM Bodh Gaya/Misc. Elec. Work/10/2017-18
Sealed quotations from the bonafied Contractors with adequate experience and credential for the work of “Supplying and fixing of LED flood light for illumination of the surrounding areas of Students Hostel and extra illumination for Basketball Court and Badminton Court at IIM Bodh Gaya” as mentioned in the Annexure-A.
- The rates shall be inclusive of all taxes along with other relevant expenses. Rates should be quoted in both figures and words. Part offer, conditional offer or conditional rebate will not be considered for acceptance under any circumstances.
- Contractor may inspect the site prior to submission of tender.
- Necessary accessories should be supplied by the Contractor.
- The Institute reserves the right to increase/decrease the quantity and in such case, the Contractor will be required to comply with.
- It may please be noted, NO WASTAGE shall be considered for the above work.
General Terms & Conditions:
- The Contractor shall make his/her own arrangements for procuring necessary labour, skilled and unskilled. He should conform to all local government laws and regulations covering labour and their employment.
- The Contractor and his employees shall comply with the regulation in force for controlled entry into premises where work is being carried out.
- Contractor liability for damage caused during installation work and imperfections noticed: If the Contractor or his/her workmen or servants shall break, deface, injure or destroy any part of the building in which they may be working or building road, fence, enclosure, water pipe, cable, drain, electric or telephone posts or wires, trees, grass or grasslands or any Technical Equipment in the premises on which the work or any part of it as being executed, or if any defect, shrinkage or other faults appear in the work the Contractor shall make good at his/her own expense, or in default, the indenter may get the same rectified and deduct the expense from any amount that may be then due or at any time thereafter may become due to the Contractor.
- The contractor shall take insurance for his men while working at IIM Bodh Gaya site, against any injury, accidents death etc. Similarly the equipment, instruments, tools etc., belonging to the Contractor shall be insured against damage, loss, theft etc.
- Time: The work should be completed within three weeks as per the direction and instruction of Engineer- in Charge. Time allowed for the execution of work is to be maintained strictly. Unless there is a compelling situation, extension of time will not be considered. Time is the essence of the contract.
- Price: Price must be quoted in rupees and is inclusive of all taxes, as applicable.
- Delivery & Installation: The entire work put in tender must be completed within 3 weeks from the date of issuance of work order. The rates should be inclusive of delivery of materials and execution of the work at IIM Bodh Gaya.
- Warranty: One year from the date of installation.
- Payment: Payment will be made after successful completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Institute. The scope of work mentioned in the BOQ is indicative in nature and payment will be made based on actual quantities of work done at site.
- Security Deposit: 10% of the billed value will be retained as security deposit for a period of 1 year (defect liability period) from the date of completion of the work. The security deposit includes the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
- Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): At the rate equal to 2% of the offered value as per tender, by Demand Draft in favour of “Indian Institute Management Bodh Gaya” and payable at Kolkata. Earnest Money Deposits are to be submitted in the form of demand draft on any scheduled bank in separate envelope which will be opened first. Without proper EMD, no offers will be considered and opened. Under no circumstances, any other documents excepting Demand Draft will be considered as valid EMD.
- Quality: Quality of the work is of utmost importance. This shall be adhered to in accordance with the provisions of relevant specifications and guidelines given in the relevant paragraphs of tender documents and/or as per the standard practice.
- Validity: The rate must be valid for three months from the date of tender.
- Risk Purchase: In case of supplier’s failure to deliver the ordered item(s) as per stipulated time schedule, IIM Bodh Gaya reserves the right to cancel the order by serving notice instantly and in such case, EMD deposited by the Contractor will be forfeited in the credit of IIM Bodh Gaya.
- Jurisdiction: All questions, disputes and/or differences arising under and out of, or in connection with the contact, if concluded, shall be referred to the High Court at Calcutta or any other Court in the district of 24 Parganas (South).
- The quotation in sealed cover along with copies of Experience Certificate/past Orders, PAN, Electrical license and EMD must be submitted at the office of Senior Administrative Officer, IIM Calcutta latest by 12.03.2018 before 2 p.m. along with the tender document sealed and signed on each page. The tender will be opened at 2.15 p.m. on 12.03.2018 in presence of authorized representatives of the bidders.
- Tender quotation must be addressed to:
Senior Administrative Officer (Purchase)
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
P.O. Joka, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata-700104
Quotation must be titled “Supplying and fixing of LED flood light for illumination of the surrounding areas of Students Hostel and extra illumination for Basketball Court and Badminton Court at IIM Bodh Gaya.” on the top of the envelop. Quotations received incomplete and/or conditional are liable to summarily rejected without any further reference.
The Institute reserves the right to modify the requirements and reject any or all tenders wholly or partly without assigning any reason thereof.

Senior Administrative Officer (Purchase),IIM Calcutta
& Convener (Purchase Committee),IIM Bodh Gaya
Sub: Supply and fixing of LED Street light for play ground court & Back side of Hostel at IIM Bodh Gaya.
Sl.No. | Description of Work | Qty | Rate (Rs.) | Amount (Rs.) |
01. | Supply and fixing of 110 watt LED street light with suitable bend pipe and Clamping on the wall and necessary connection complete. Make-Philips. | 11-nos. | ||
02. | Supply and laying of 3 core 2.5 copper flexible wire with saddling on wall for the LED Light fittings. Make-Polycab. | 400mtrs. | ||
03. | Supply and fixing of 4-way connector box with suitable ms connector box for connectivity of fittings. | 08-nos. | ||
04. | Installation of earthling with 2 inch dia-GI Pipe in the ground approx 10ft length as per I.E Rules. | 02-nos. | ||
05. | Eathing connectivity with 8 SWG Bared copper wire from 3rd floor computer lab to earthing stn. | 40-ft. | ||
06. | Supply and fixing of 16/32 A DP MCB with enclosure for the LED light fittings. Make-Havells/Standard. | 02-nos. | ||
Total |